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Showing posts from March, 2014


DARKEST CHAPTER EVER READ ON UR OWN RISK 18+ CHAPTER 10 Every one of us is afraid of the unknown but have life ever been predictable. Things you think are important to you once may turn out to be the worst thing ever happen to you in your life. How can you ever tell that this is what you wanted from life and life had been kind enough to give you what you wished for, but the truth is it has its own catch, only time can decide what is and what will be. Sometime ignorance is indeed bliss and it helps you to live your life like you want not like you are said to live or expected to. After every dusk there is a dawn but what if after the dark night light has illuminated your life but all you feel within is darkness and that’s how you see you life to. Sometimes it’s better to hold on to the broken pieces so it constantly reminds you that you never want to be their again and no one could make you feel that shattered ever again. Constantly making yourse