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Showing posts from August, 2015


CHAPTER 22 You can never say that you know a person completely. You can know the part of their life that they want to show you or are comfortable with to tell you. But there is always a part of everyone’s life that they like to keep to themselves it may not always be a dark and dirty secret but sometimes somethings are better kept hidden within you as you don’t want anyone to know about it, it’s just that you don’t want to share that part of your life with anyone its only yours and no one is allowed to have a peek at it. Every one of has a mask that they wear because we are not comfortable to be ourselves in front of everyone. We can never behave same with our close friends and acquaintance. With our friends we can be our true self but with people who were barely know we wear a mask as either they hold no importance in our life or we don’t find them worth to see the real you. Wearing a mask is not to hide oneself it’s just an art to protect yourself from being