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Showing posts from February, 2018


CHAPTER 43 We all are brought up with certain moral and ethics and over time we learn and adapt our own way to judge people and things around us. First back rule we learn as we grow is to make sure that we are happy but it’s not that our happiness should cost others but who will decide whether our decision will ruin others or not. It our own moral compass that helps us to see what is right and what is wrong. But sometime more than the right and wrong it’s all about what you want to do and what you choose. If a carnivorous does kill just because it feels it morally wrong how it will survive. There always has to be a balance because if you see world with a right and wrong moral compass you will never be able to survive and being human is a complex thing as we evolve and adapt new things more often. So what you actual should realize is that it’s about taking the calculative risk so in the end you can bear the fruits. Life is like a balance sheet where no one wants


CHAPTER 42 Darkness is always associated with black colour and most people are afraid of it but is it really afraid or are we intrigued. We all go through the face in our life when black colour fascinates us. But for some it’s more than just a colour. It’s what has become a part of their existence. We all learn from our experience and adapt according to all the events in our life. What if all you have seen in life is betrayal, greed, manipulation and lust. There are many more other feelings in world but we are dominated more by the one we have been closely associated in life and it had played an important role in shaping us up. Some of us have no option but to welcome the darkness as it’s more soothing than light which had always deceived them. Most of us let go of bad memory as we still have worth looking forward for but what if we have nothing to hold us on the brighter part of life and we build our own rules and what suits us that is what is right and what helps us