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Showing posts from April, 2015


READ AT YOUR OWN RISK CHAPTER 19 Everyone says life is unpredictable. You can never know what will happen next. But what no one had told you is that life is a sucker to which can shatter you without any fault of yours living you soulless. Soul is the only energy that guides your conscience and let you know what is right and what is wrong. When life had sucked you dry and left you numb you either drown in the darkness or you turn into darkness. Lose can make you grief stuck but when you are destroyed and you fragments are scattered you can never be whole again and over the time you start to love this life that may not be full but is more than what you had when you felt you had everything. When all you get is the artificial people around you who won't mind hurting you for their benefit and leaving you with a realization that if you let people to walk all over you they won't mind to stamp all over you and not even look back to see