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Showing posts from July, 2015


CHAPTER 21 Never be to judgmental about others or any thing in life as things can change within a blink of eye. Every story has many sides from the people who are involved in it. So when you hear something or see something never jump to conclusion as it can be that you have missed to see the real thing in your own foolishness and the truth is entirely different. One should always try to analyze thing before you take any step. But it’s not necessary that your every step will make everyone around you happy. Sometime for your and others good you need to make few harsh decision in life even if it makes every feel like you are a monster but it’s what will keep them safe from any harm so you are ready to pay the price. ASR had never been a man who liked to tell people what his next move will be her was like a silent tiger waiting for his prey ready to pounce on him and right now he had decided what he needed to do so while walking down to the living room wher